hello / welcome اهلاً وسهلاً 'ahlan wasahlan Greetings sounds/ahlan wasahlan.mp3 greetings السلام عليكم as-salaamu calaykum Greetings sounds/assalaamu aleikum (female).mp3 goodbye مع السلامة maca ssalaama Greetings sounds/ma salaama.mp3 good morning صباح الخير SabaaH il-kheer Greetings sounds/SabbaH il-kheer.mp3 good evening مساء الخير masaa' il-kheer Greetings sounds/masaa il-kheer.mp3 reply to "'ahlan wasahlan" أهلا بيك / أهلا بيكِ 'ahlan biik (to a male) 'ahlaan biiki (to a female) replies sounds/ahlan biik-biiki.mp3 reply to "as-salaamu calaykum" وعليكم السلام wacalaykum us-salaam replies sounds/waaleekum as-salaam.mp3 reply to "maca ssalaama" الله يسلّمَك / الله يسلّمِك allaah yisallimak (to a male) allaah yisallimik (to a female) replies sounds/allah yisallimak-yisallimik.mp3 reply to "SabaaH il-kheer" صباح النور SabaaH in-nuur replies sounds/SabbaH in-nuur.mp3 reply to "masaa' il-kheer" مساء النور masaa' in-nuur replies sounds/masaa in-nuur.mp3 again مرّة ثانية marra thaaniyya other sounds/marra thaniya.mp3 please من فضلَك / من فضلِك min faDlak (to a male) min faDlik (to a female) other sounds/min fadlak-minfadlik.mp3 O (vocative particle) يا yaa other sounds/yaa.mp3
Below is a drill to help you practice your vocabulary. Click on the flash card that you think most closely corresponds to the word displayed. If it is incorrect, the actual meaning of that word will be shown. If it is correct, move on the next word.