Culture Reading

Arab Countries البُلدان العـَرَبيّة

How many Arab countries are there? How many Arab countries can you name? There are twenty two countries in what is known today as the Arab World. These Arab countries are spread along the North of Africa and the West of Asia. Most of the English names of these countries are similar to their names in Arabic. Only five names are different.  Learn the names of all twenty two Arab countries and their locations with the following map activities.

Activity 1
Arab Countries with Similar Arabic/English Names

Click on the Arab world map and examine it carefully, paying attention to the spelling of country names.  Type the Arabic names of the countries listed in English below. The names are presented in a random order so you need to go back and forth between Africa and Asia to complete this activity.  You will notice that some countries start with an الـ that is absent in their English names and that some of the sounds change slightly from one language to the other. 

CAUTION: Do not enter ANY diacritics (short vowels or shadda) when you type.  The computer will not recognize them.  When you type a hamza, look carefully how it is written and type it in the same manner.  Once this activity is complete, you may click on the link that lists the country names written with their short vowels.    

Tunisia تونس


 ١- Libya  Answer

 ٢- Djibouti  Answer

 ٣- Oman  Answer

 ٤- Yemen  Answer

 ٥- Mauritania  Answer

 ٦- Emirates  Answer

 ٧- Syria  Answer

 ٨- Bahrain  Answer

 ٩- Qatar  Answer

 ۱۰- Kuwait  Answer

 ۱۱- Sudan  Answer

 ۱۲- Somalia  Answer

 ۱٣- Lebanon  Answer

 ۱٤- Iraq  Answer

 ۱٥- Palestine  Answer