Specifying People and Things

Pronouncing the Definite Article الـ

Elision (when the ل of the definite article takes on a sound other than "L") is based on the first letter of the word to which the article is attached. As a general rule, consonants which are pronounced in the same area of the mouth and similar postition as ل are the letters which cause elision.

Letters which cause elision of الـ:

ت ث د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن

Letters which do not cause elision of الـ:

أ ب ج ح خ ع غ ف ق ك م ه و ي

The following chart illustrates elision with example words for each letter.

definite article is pronounced
definite article is pronounced
"a + first letter of the word"
أ ت
al-'ustaadh الأستاذ at-taliifuun التليفون
ب ث
al-bayt البيت ath-thaqaafa الثقافة
ج د
al-jaamica الجامعة ad-ductuur الدكتور
ح ذ
al-Hukuuma الحكومة ad-dars الدرس
خ ر
al-khubz الخبز ar-raqam الرقم
ع ز
al-cunwaan العنوان az-zamiil الزميل
غ س
al-ghariib الغريب as-sayyaara السيّارة
ف ش
al-faSl الفصل ash-shirka الشركة
ق ص
al-qiSSa القصة aS-SaaHib الصاحب
ك ض
al-kitaab الكتاب aD-DaabiT الضابط
م ط
al-muwaDH DHaf الموظّف aT-Taalib الطالب
ه ظ
al-handasa الهندسة aDH-DHuhr الظهر
و ل
al-wilaaya الولاية al-lugha اللغة
ي ن
al-yawm اليوم an-nahaar النهار