Technical Requirements

Welcome to Arabic 1AW or "Arabic Without Walls," first-year Arabic instruction in a distance-learning format taught through UC Berkeley. This course relies heavily on technology since we will never "meet" in person but we will chat in real and deferred time using both text and sound (see Communication Tools below). In order to make all of the software work properly, please read carefully the following technical requirements. After doing this and downloading the necessary plug-ins (most of the plug-ins you already will have installed on your computer), you will receive instructions on how to logon to Moodle, which will serve as the course management system to the Arabic 1AW course. If you have any problems, contact us at

System Requirements:

Required plug-ins or add-ons:

Suggested Browsers:

How to type in Arabic:

In order to type in Arabic and then toggle back and forth between English and Arabic, you need to add Arabic as an input method:

How to logon to MOODLE, the course management system (CMS):

All communications and instructions will be handled through Moodle:

Communication Tools:

There are several ways in which you will communicate in real (CHAT) or deferred time (FORUM) with both your instructor and classmates:

Technical Help

Send a description of the problem to with details and preferably your phone number.