أحبّ... 'uHibb... I love..., I like... |
أدرس... 'adrus... I study... |
أسكن... 'askun...crif. I live... |
أعمل... 'acmal...crif. I work... |
brief grammatical explanation on present tense verbs
طالب (ة) Taalib (a) student |
أستاذ (ة) 'ustaadh (a) professor |
موظّف (ة) muwaDH DHaf (a) employee |
جامعة jaamica university |
شركة shirka company / business |
العربية al-carabiyya Arabic (noun, short for the Arabic language) |
الآن al'aan now |
أيضا 'ayDan also |
لكن laakin but how to use لأنand لكن |
لأن li'an because how to use لأنand لكن |
كثيرا kathiiran a lot, much, many |
ال... al- the definite article |